Historické písmo

Starodávné písmo z hradu

Historické písmo
Nejprve ukažte žákům staré knihy, kde je ozdobné starodávné písmo. Žáci pak tuší mají za úkol napsat nějaký tajemný vzkaz ozdobným písmem.


Co k tomu potřebujeme?

tvrdý papír, tuš, redispero


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Sal Winstead napsal(a) 29. 3. 2023 13:12

Dear Webmaster! CyberSEO.Pro is the most powerful all content import plugin for WordPress. It allows you to populate your WordPress sites with high quality search engine optimized articles and all sorts of media content from RSS feeds, Atom feeds, XML feeds, JSON feeds, CSV files, pipe/comma/semicolon-delimited raw text dumps, video tubes, marketplaces, social networks and more. The plugin is integrated with a wide range of cutting edge AI technologies for machine translation, article rewriting, text and image generation, such as Article Forge, OpenAI GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 (the exact same AI models as used by ChatGPT), DALL∙E 2 and Stable Diffusion technologies. CyberSEO.Pro has been continuously improved, expanded and developed since 2006. It is fully compatible with the latest version of WordPress and PHP 8. Owners of 107,266 websites can't be wrong Best regards cyberseo.pro development team ;-)

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